Jan 7Liked by Thomas W. Pauken II.

No Haley as the Presidential nominee but what about VP? A couple weeks ago Koch Inc gave her about 70 million or so for her campaign. Koch is astute and there’s no way he thinks Haley is going to be the nominee. In my opinion he was signaling Trump that he would write some checks if she was on the ticket. Trump needs money. The big donors won’t give him any and he needs big donations for his legal defense fund. The Rs are essentially broke pretty much everywhere.

I’m kinda sceptical also about your assessment of Trumps chances in some of those swing states. No way he”ll win Michigan. The Rs there are in complete shambles. Anyway, interesting post.

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Trump won't select Nikki as VP. He learned lessons from picking Pence. Don't trust the RNC Establishment. Trump can win Michigan and Pennsylvania, since they have many Muslim-American voters and they will likely boycott vote to oppose Genocide Joe ...

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Jan 7Liked by Thomas W. Pauken II.

I hate the GOP establishment. I was in for 2016 and 2020 for Trump but not this time. He disqualified himself but not being more like the authoritarian “dick” everyone said he was and turned his administration over to Fauci, Birx and Jared. I’m sick of his whining about the county tax assessments of MarA Lago and all the rest of his juvenile bullshit. If all the voters can come up with is Biden vs Trump let it burn. I work in personal security so there will be no shortage of clients. My two cents. Your mileage may vary.

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I appreciate your comments and I'm still pro-Trump, but I'm happy to listen to and consider different opinions. I wish you a successful future ...

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Jan 7Liked by Thomas W. Pauken II., Lorin Ledger

Likewise. I enjoyed your pieces I read this evening and will continue to follow. I have no issues dealing with people who don’t follow my particular ideology.

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